- aerial bomb
- авиационная бомба
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary. - M.: Military publishing house USSR Ministry of Defence. edited by M. Murashkevich. 1974.
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary. - M.: Military publishing house USSR Ministry of Defence. edited by M. Murashkevich. 1974.
aerial bomb — bomb dropped by an aircraft … English contemporary dictionary
Aerial bomb — A Bomb (explosive device) designed to travel tough the air with predictable trajectories, usually designed to be dropped from an aircraft. This includes a vast variety and complexity in designs, from dumb (simply dropped) to smart (remote or self … Wikipedia
aerial bomb — noun : a bomb designed to be dropped from an aircraft … Useful english dictionary
Aerial bombing — may refer to:*Short term air to ground attacks known as Airstrikes *Longer term Strategic bombing campaignsee also*Aerial bombing of cities *Aerial bomb, the device used in Aerial bombing … Wikipedia
bomb — bombable, adj. /bom/, n. 1. Mil. a projectile, formerly usually spherical, filled with a bursting charge and exploded by means of a fuze, by impact, or otherwise, now generally designed to be dropped from an aircraft. 2. any similar missile or… … Universalium
Bomb — A bomb is any of a range of devices that typically rely on the exothermic chemical reaction of an explosive material to produce an extremely sudden and violent release of energy. (A nuclear weapon employs chemical based explosives to initiate a… … Wikipedia
bomb — Synonyms and related words: A bomb, Grand Guignol, H bomb, Passion play, Tom show, aerial bomb, antimasque, antipersonnel bomb, astonishment, atom bomb, atomic bomb, audience success, ballet, batter, be a gas, be a hit, bill, blast, blitz,… … Moby Thesaurus
aerial torpedo — noun a torpedo designed to be launched from an airplane • Hypernyms: ↑torpedo * * * noun 1. : an explosive projectile fired from a trench mortar 2. : a torpedo designed for launching from an airplane 3. : a heavy aerial bomb 4. : a guided missile … Useful english dictionary
Bomb disposal — Bomb squad redirects here. For the Suburban Legends EP, see Bomb Squad EP. For the hip hop producers, see The Bomb Squad. The long walk :[1] A British Army ATO approaches a suspect device in Northern Ireland … Wikipedia
Bomb damage assessment — Bomb damage assessment, often referred to as BDA, is the practice of assessing damage inflicted on a target by an air campaign. It is part of the larger discipline of combat assessment (CA), also referred to as battle damage assessment (BA).… … Wikipedia
bomb line — bomb line, a line drawn on an aerial map to distinguish the position of friendly ground forces from that of the enemy … Useful english dictionary